Thursday, 22 January 2009

TV WORLD PREMIERE on Austrian TV channel

We are glad to announce that "Every Step You Take" is about to have its TV world premiere on Saturday, 24 January 2009, on Austrian cable TV channel OKTO.

The documentary will air at 8.00 pm local time (GMT +1), and it will be followed by a panel discussion about video surveillance with a range of experts on the subjects, including Nino Leitner.

Exact broadcasting times and dates on OKTO (GMT +1):
Sa, 24/01/2009: 08:00 pm
So, 25/01/2009: 05:45 pm
So, 25/01/2009: 01:00 am
Sa, 31/01/2009, 10:00 pm

For details on the programme, please head over to the German version of the site.

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