Tuesday, 3 April 2007

UPDATED Press Coverage!

There has already been quite some media buzz about this film and the project in general. Here are all the media reports that have been published so far - please let us know if you find anything else about the film in the media (mail us via press@EveryStepYouTake.org).

TV reports in English:

Tirol am Sonntag, 18/11/2007, p50-51 - "Vom großen Film ganz ohne Kohle"
Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung, 18/10/2007, p29 - "300-mal pro Tag vor der Kamera"
22. Unabhaengiges FilmFest Osnabrueck - official programme catalogue, entry on page 12
• Celluloid, July 2007, page 36 - "Big Brother ist Realität"
• econova, June 2007, page 168 - "Big brothers watching you"
• Schikaneder cinema programme guide, page 4
• 6020 Magazine, May 2007, pages 36-37 - "Große Brüder" - Portrait of Nino Leitner and the film success at this year's Diagonale festival
• Tirolerin, May 2007, pages 20-21 - "Nino Leitner - Auf Schritt und Tritt im Fernsehen" - Portrait of Nino Leitner and interview about the film
• Weekend Magazine, 07/04/2007, page 71 - "Schritt für Schritt"
• Kurier, 22/03/2007, page 15 - Portrait of Nino Leitner
• Der Standard - DerDiagonaleStandard Special, 19/03/2007 - Tipps - Überwachung (online version)
• Falter Diagonale 07 special, page 26 - synopsis
• Tiroler Tageszeitung, 23/03/2007, page 14 - Tirolean filmmakers at the Diagonale
Diagonale 07 Festival Catalogue Entry, cover, pages 76-77, 98-99

TV and radio reports (all in German so far):

• 3Sat, 13/03/2007, 22:25, "Neues vom österreichischen Film" - short presentation of the documentary
• ORF 1, 22/03/2007, "shorts and skirts - die lange Nacht des kurzen Films" - presentation of Nino Leitner's short film "Auszeit", which has won the Shorts on Screen 07 Award for Tirol - followed by a short portrait of the director including a preview of "Every Step You Take"
• ORF2, 03/04/2007, "Tirol Heute" - presentation of the documentary, live interview with Nino Leitner!
• Infoscreen Vienna, 14/06/2007 - preview of the film for the last Schikaneder screening, shown in all Infoscreen-equipped Underground stations all over Vienna!
• Radio Tirol, 31/05/2007 - announcement of the "Night of Tyrolean Short Film" at the ORF Kulturhaus Tirol on Juni 1, 2007, including an interview with Nino Leitner about his career in film, short films and his documentary (about 3 minutes)
• Radio Tirol, 03/04/2007 - interview with Nino Leitner, teaser for the "Tirol Heute" interview
• Radio FR 107,1 Freistadt - programme "n.o.w - das jugendmagazin"

Audio reports (only German so far):

• Diagonale 07 press conference, 09/03/2007 in Vienna (excerpt)

Online reports:

Intro.de - DVD Rezension (review) "Every Step You Take"
31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Interview with Director Nino Leitner - scroll down! (English)
31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Director's website entry (English)
• 31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Official programme website entry (English)
WT Os International Film Festival 2007 - Official Programme (English and Norwegian)
Tiburon International Film Festival - official website entry (English)
Portobello Film Festival - Official Programme (PDF link, English)
Cambridge Film Festival - Festival newsletter 20/07/2007, announcing Audience Award top ten and winner (English)
Cambridge Film Festival - Official Programme (PDF link, page 46, English)
Cambridge Film Festival - "Every Breath You Take" interview (English)
Cambridge Film Festival - audience reviews of "Every Step You Take" (English)
Cambridge Film Festival - photo of Nino Leitner by official festival photographer Tom Catchesides
Libertas Film Festival - Official Programme website entry (English)
DrehPunktKultur.at 16/11/2007 - "Laecheln in die (Ueberwachungs-)kamera" (German)
Winnis Weblog - Interview with Nino Leitner, 5/11/2007 (German)
UniBlog Uni Osnabrueck 18/10/2007 - "Every Step You Take und Die Luecke im System"
drehpunktkultur.at 22/03/2007 - Millionen Filmstars wider Willen (German)
FM4 Diagonale Log #2 22/03/2007 (German)
chilli.cc 20/03/2007 - Diagonale wird zehn (German)
Der Grosse Bruder 27/03/2007 - Videodoku "Every Step You Take" (German)
Der Standard (APA) 22/03/2007 - Salzburgerin gewinnt Nachwuchswettbewerb "shorts on screen" (German)
Salzburger Nachrichten 23/03/2007 - Diagonale (German)
APA-OTS 22/03/2007 - shorts on screen 07 Preisvergabe (German)
falter.at Filmvorschau - Every Step You Take (German)
FH Salzburg News 23/03/2007 - Nino Leitners und Laura Nöbauers Filme wurden/werden gezeigt (German)
Ö1 Kulturkalender (German)
subnet.at 08/02/2007 (German)

Global CCTV Hub
Interview with Nino Leitner on informationpolitics.com (full PDF transcript)
Surveillance Studies
The Ideal Government Project

31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Interview with Director Nino Leitner - scroll down! (Portuguese)
detsimpleliv.dk October 2007 (Danish)
31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Director's website entry (Portuguese)
31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Official programme website entry "CADA PASSO QUE VOCÊ DÁ (2007)" (Portuguese)
« Les caméras n’ont pas empêché la mort de Jamie…  » - Nino Leitner, auteur d’un documentaire sur la vidéosurveillance (French)
Revista Dois Pontos (Portuguese)
Cumhuriyet Pazar Dergi (Turkish Newspaper 11/02/2007- PDF Link), (online version here)

Please report broken links here. Thanks!

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