Saturday, 30 December 2006

About the documentary

With an estimated four million surveillance cameras, Britain is by far the most-watched nation on earth. Every Londoner is on camera about 300 times a day. How could this come about in George Orwell’s mother country? What were the ignition sparks for this development? Why haven’t other nations copied the schemes if they really are as successful as the Home Office and the police are saying? Is there a real effect in crime reduction or has CCTV only been introduced for the people’s ‘peace of mind’? Are there any vested interests in the proliferation of CCTV?

Trying to answer questions like these, Nino Leitner’s one-hour documentary “EVERY STEP YOU TAKE” digs deep into an entirely British phenomenon: nation-wide video surveillance. It features formal interviews with the surveillance researcher Professor Clive Norris, Deputy Chief Constable Andy Trotter from the British Transport Police, a representative of Britain’s largest civil rights group Liberty, a CCTV manager from a public local CCTV scheme, experts in the field of transport policing and many more. The surveillance reality in Britain is compared with another member of the E.U., Austria. Compared to the UK, it can be seen as a developing country in terms of CCTV, but just as elsewhere all over the world, politicians are eager to extend the surveillance gaze.

Investigative research in both countries uncovers secrets that should make every responsible European worry ...

For press information please contact


Anonymous said...

Er, Nino. This is interesting but a bit cryptic. When are you showing this documentary? And where? - W

Nino Leitner said...


We are currently trying to get it aired on a British TV channel, but we are just starting with this. At some point in the future, the film will definitely also be put on this website.
Furthermore, it will be screened on festivals over the year. Dates will be published as soon they are available, so please check back soon!

Sorry for being a bit cryptic, but the film is in the state of being finished, and all the release work is just starting to roll on. We will let the community know more as soon as the information is available. It's only a matter of weeks.

Anonymous said...

hi nino! i look forward seeing your film at the diagonale. i m quite interested in the topic, since i ve been working on a "cctv sci-fi" produced by use of the data protection act for the last five years. 'FACELESS'will also be shown at diagonale. hope to meet you there! manu

Anonymous said...

Hi Nino,
your big brother is watching you.
Der Trailer macht richtig Lust. Bin schon gespannt auf die Endversion.

Grüße Pati

Anonymous said...

hallo nino,
glückwunsch zum ersten erfolg des films! bin schon gespannt ihn mal zu sehen, mögen noch mehrere screenings folgen!